Two thousand homes at Thamesmead Lombard Square site progressing
Work on an eventual 2,000 homes is progressing as blocks rise at a big development in Thamesmead – or Plumstead depending on your point of view – named Lombard Wharf.
A train journey between Abbey Wood and Plumstead shows a sea of cranes for both this site and 333 homes being built slightly to the north.

Thamesmead isn’t very fashionable so Berkeley Homes are saying this site is in Plumstead. Fairview are saying their Thamesmead development as being Woolwich. It isn’t.
Other Thamesmead developments a mile east are being called Abbey Wood. Nope.
In recent months Greenwich Council’s Planning Board waved through an uplift at Lombard Square from an original 1,750 homes to 1,913, and along with homes at a nearby college site this ensures 2,600 homes will be built in this area.

Advertising around the Lombard Square site continues to proclaim how green it is. Always good for a giggle.
Just don’t look at the three-lane road outside which at points widens even further with the approahc to McDonald’s drive-through.
Plans for improving this area was ditched.

I did notice that broken street furniture has been repaired since I last covered it. Rather quicker than we see in places like Abbey Wood estate.
The influence of Berkeley Homes hoping to sell units?
The often-dismal condition of the underpass was a also bit better. This was it recently:
Months of dumped rubbish had been cleaned away though it’s still far from ideal as a link from 2,300 homes – at two separate developments – to the closest railway station, numerous bus routes, shops and amenities.
TfL had advised Greenwich to allocate Section 106 income from developments to improve this route for active travel. Greenwich planners didn’t. Councillors waved it through.
A recently £5.2 million Plumstead project has completed with nothing spent here – and little spent on the High Street itself. Much went on consultants and funding a building refurbishment to help a private company move from Greenwich to Plumstead.