A look at 2017’s most popular stories

Commence the Top of the Pops music as we look at what was floating your boat this year.

First and foremost though I’d like to send out a big thanks to all who have read and supported the site. There’s been a never-ending amount of things happening and no doubt that will continue into 2018.

This month has been the most popular in the sites history and since signing up to Patreon I’ve attempted to increase the number of articles appearing on the site. You can help support me in continuing to research and write up what’s happening locally here.

Woolwich is a development hotspot as Crossrail moves closer

This year also saw me set up a Facebook page as it’s used by just about everyone from 5 to 105.

Click here to view and if you click on like you’ll then see new stories appear on your Facebook feed (or click like to the right if on desktop or at the bottom of this page if viewing on mobile)

So then, here they are.

Top 10 (I’m starting at 1. I know. Turn off the Top of the Pops music)

1. The year has been dominated for site views by stories about Charlton and Greenwich retail parks and the forthcoming arrival of Ikea alongside recent openings of Primark, Aldi, Next and Mothercare in Charlton.

Many like the convenience of new stores yet the lack of street improvements in the area, alongside increased traffic, has caused concern.

2. Street Feast opening a food and drink market in Woolwich’s covered market in March 2018. There’s a lot of goodwill behind the venture.

3. Another recent article on 518 homes planned in Bexleyheath Town Centre.

4. Next up is a surprising one. It’s the article that highlighted how Greenwich Council discovered 28 unlicensed Homes of Multiple Occupation in just three Woolwich streets on a single day during a search last month. The problems with buy-to-lets and HMOs seem to have increasing resonance.

5. Back to Woolwich Town Centre and the story covering approval of Wool Yard food market and restaurant on Powis Street with associated mini public realm improvements.

Small-scale work in various parts of Woolwich could do much to animate and improve the town centre.

Wool Yard in orange

6. A look at how Greenwich Council street work in Woolwich Town Centre contravened TfL guidance and resulted in thousands being spent shortly after expensive work had concluded.

7. The failure of many Thames-side commercial units in Greenwich at a prime riverside spot at the New Capital Quay development.

Decent footfall but many empty units

8. Plans to move Waterfront leisure centre in Woolwich and move it to the site of Wilkos alongside the Waterfront’s imminent car park closure as Berkeley Homes look to start constructing on residential towers.

The car park closes from January 15th.

Hoardings recently appeared around the car park

9. A 27-floor tower planned outside Tesco in Woolwich.

10. A look at the many new skyscrapers in Canary Wharf that will become increasingly apparent in 2018. Around 10 are now rising which will result in a very different skyline in a year’s time.

Many others were very close behind including 750 new homes at Spray Street in Woolwich, the many sagas of Southeastern railway and Crossrail as well as bus changes in South East London.

Most of these stories are only just beginning and will see further coverage as things progress throughout 2018.

And with that I’d like to wish everyone a fabulous 2018. A massive amount of change, much of it exciting, is coming next year.



Running a site alone takes time and a fair bit of money. Adverts are far from enough to cover it and my living costs as a private renter.

You can support me including via Paypal here

Another option is via Patreon by clicking here

You can also buy me a beer/coffee at Ko-fi here

There's also a Facebook page for the site here

Many thanks

J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    5 thoughts on “A look at 2017’s most popular stories

    • Fantastic news source. I may not always agree – eg the Greenwich Peninsula gas holder needs to go ! – but that’s the nature of opinions and this is a great source of local news.

      All the best for 2018.

    • I continue to be pleased about the coming of IKEA, although I have now moved out of the borough and could have ran down the hill to the store. The new store will only be a bus ride from Lewisham or a short car journey when necessary.

    • Yes, thanks for all your work.

      As I resident of Charlton I am absolutely against the OKEA!

      • IKEA even. Sigh. I didn’t have a drop last night, I promise.

    • Happy New Year and thanks for a great site – my favourite for local news.


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